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Food & Nutrition

How to Get The Most Out Of Your BCAA Supplement?

For anyone involved in a committed fitness workout routine, amino acid supplements aren’t anything new and depending on the goals that have been put in place for their fitness lifestyle, they could be beneficial in a multitude of ways! But, how do you know if the amino acids are right for you during your workout? Science breaks it down simply.

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If the individual is reaching their daily protein goals with natural food and beverages, then there is no need for the extra amino acid boost through a supplemented drink. But, that is not to say that there are no benefits to extra amino acids pre-workout. Some research shows that supplementing amino acids before a workout can be beneficial with things such as suppressing muscle protein breakdown and even reduce the signs of muscle damages after a completed workout! What some people don’t know is that taking these amino supplements won’t actually cause the muscles themselves to grow on their own, but instead provide the individual with a slight “boost” during their lift exercises to be able to give a consistent strong workout and promote healthy natural muscle growth.

During an endurance-based exercise routine, proteins are broken down and used by the body as an energy source. Decreasing the number of proteins, or amino acids, used pre-workout can lead to higher levels of serotine to be held in the brain and can cause fatigue during the workout. Therefore, by keeping the supplemental amino acids as a part of the routine, it can be a better “breakdown” and lead to less signs of fatigue and a better workout experience! Those amino acid supplement drinks can still be useful, but make sure that they are introduced correctly into a workout routine.



Health & Fitness

BCAAs to Start Your Day

Health & Fitness

BCAA’s … Everybody has heard of them, most people that regularly train at the gym have probably used them, but do we really know...