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Health & Fitness

5 Ways To Attract a Fit Woman at the Gym

1) Join Fitness Classes
Going to the gym is usually an individual activity. However, most gyms offer many classes such as spinning, yoga, and martial arts. These classes are the best way to meet new people especially women.

2) Complement
When I say compliment, I don’t mean compliment her body. Never compliment a woman’s body at the gym! Instead compliment their outfit or maybe strike up a conversation about their shoes or their favorite brand of workout gloves.

3) Stop flexing
I see this done all the time. You have guys standing in front of a mirror flexing their pecs, trying to draw eyeballs. This is a surefire way to turn off any woman. Save the posing for when you are at the privacy of your own home.

4) Don’t give advice, receive advice
Being an man, we love to to tell women what they’re doing right or wrong. Only give advice if called upon. Instead ask a woman for their advice on something and see how eager they are to help you.

5) Be yourself
This is probably the most important rule. Most guys when around women, morph into something they’re not. Be polite, be genuine and if there’s really a lady you’d like to speak to, just go over to her when she’s not busy, smile and say hi. It’s not rocket science.
